Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Good morning and good day!  Summer's end is quickly approaching and I spent most of last week finishing up some projects so I could try to relax a and savor these last 2 weeks of summer.  

We are heading out of town next week and I am so looking forward to this getaway!  Is it weird that one thing I'm looking forward to is going to the dump while on holidays to see what trash I can call my treasure?

Anyways, today I'm sharing with you two pieces that I refinished for a family member last week.  And perfectly fitting for Waste Not Wednesday, as these pieces have been revived and instead of letting them go to waste in a landfill or unwanted and sent to a donation center they have been given new life:)

There is many reasons why upcycling and refurbishing is a great idea.  This tall boy was purchased off Craigslist.  It longer served purpose for the previous owner but will now be used in it's new home.

And this little beauty was passed on through the family and was needing a little love and TLC.  Pieces like this have a history and it's often why people want to hang on to them.  

I was told this piece is near or around 100 years old.  And regardless of its years, its still standing strong and sturdy. 

It's when I'm finally done with a piece, that I realize how much I enjoy doing what I do.  
It's generally not while I'm sanding and obsessing over details:)

I'm hoping next week, my post will be from my dump treasures but I may be MIA, if I am unable to access my blog:(

Enjoy these last warm summer days!  



  1. Jen, great job on the dresser - looks great! I have a thing for antique dressers.

    Noelle from GrayRose

  2. Great idea with the chalkboard in place of the mirror! Beautiful as usual :)


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