Thursday, June 27, 2013

Burlap, lace, tule, & one very cute 3 year old:)!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last week, my baby, my little one, my peanut, my dolly, my squirt, my sunshine
turned 3!  

On her actual BIRTHDAY, we went for a bike ride to the park to play!

 But, we just had to make a quick little stop before we hit the park... 

Mommy just needed a picture or two or three or 20...

Now, I'm no photographer and I think my camera sucks.  It could be me and or my lack of photography skills, but I am actually happy with these!

It definitely helps that this child is almost always happy and goes with the flow quite easily.  So it didn't take much to convince her to pick some flowers, smile and look cute:)

We finished the evening with swimming and ice cream!  Perfect day!

This past weekend we celebrated with our family.  

I set up this table during the week.  I didn't want to spend much and came up with this theme thanks to good ole PINTEREST.  I knew I had all of these items already so it was easy peasy. 

  The pink lace table cloth is actually a curtain thrift store find, the table is an old wood folding table that my mom passed down to me.  The shutters were a road side find that I used at my last vintage market, the cake stand another vintage find, along with the milk glass vase and dish.  And I made the tule pom poms with the extra fabric I cut from my curtains in my showroom, and the burlap pom poms were also from my remnant pieces of fabric.  


The cake, well that's another story.  lol.  You see this whole natural path restricted diet thing has kind of made me a little crazy.  or a lot crazy. I decided that I wanted to serve something a bit healthier than the store bought cake mix, so I would bake something from scratch.  How hard could it be, right? 

Well, I guess if I went with the white flour, 2 cups of sugar, 5 eggs recipes it would have probably looked like a real birthday cake but no, I decided to go for the healthier... version.  Which left me with cake #1 looking a bit like a pancake. lol

Despite being a pancake, I spread some cream cheese icing on it (yes, I know not so healthy but we have to live a little!), topped it with some organic toasted coconut, walnuts and sprinkled cinnamon.  A piece of fresh mint from my garden, a borrowed cake plate from my lovely neighbor, my thrift store cake dome and voila again!

It's like magic.

So, cake #2 is a carrot cake (as seen here below), which ended up a bit taller and I could manage to trim it with the burlap like I had planned.  So that was that, and hopefully it didn't taste like cardboard.:)

The birthday girl wore a lovely "vintage" dress:)

She was elated with her new "baby."

And she even had seconds of the cake:)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Searching for peace in chaos

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Enough is enough.  I have been searching and thinking and every day is passing and I feel so out of sorts these days!  

Without going into great detail, there are various reasons for me searching for peace in chaos.  

One being the constant state of renos going on in our home.  Yes, very grateful for these updates.  But, it sometimes (and by this I mean for the last few months) seems like an invasion of my privacy, sharing my space with all these workers and men watching my coming and going.  lol.  

For example, this was the view I had last week from my office windows. 

I literally feel like I'm looking for a light at the end of the tunnel some days!

To add to my lack of sanity, I went to see a natural-path at the beginning of the month for some health concerns that I'd been dealing with and she has put me on a very strict restricted diet, which does not allow for anything one would like to indulge in, like say coffee, wine, chips or chocolate:) 

This alone, never mind the renos and 3 children, a husband and 2 gerbals, could drive anyone crazy! lol

But, today I said enough is enough.  I'm putting off my "chores", I'm skipping my workout at the gym and I'm gonna get back to work!

So, I sanded. And I sanded some more.  2 desks.  Nearly an hour and a half.  One, took nearly no time, but this....

This is probably not a good project to start with when just getting back to work.  ugggg  Not fun.  
Thick, thick, sloppy paint.  I actually started scrapping the drawer, rather then sanding it was that bad. 

However, I am excited to finally start something new and I am working on the other desk for a client and her daughter has picked out a great new color that I get to work with!

I have no idea why my picture is turned like this, and I'm too tired to try to fix it.:)

So, this is exciting!  I am not so excited to get back to sanding that other desk but for now I will focus on this.

BUT...  Yes, there is a but.  

Of course. Like Murphys law.  

"If something can go wrong, it will go wrong."

My oldest has come down with something this evening, vommitting and all. Which means, the chances of her attending school tomorrow are slim to none.  Which means, the chances of me working tomorrow are also slim.  

This is my chaos:) 

But, I will remain hopeful that I will somehow figure this out. 

And I will also leave you with an update of my veggie garden which is off to a great start so far.  

This is another paint project in progress... I stained these trellis panels a few weeks ago but still haven't gotten to the top portion!  And I also have a set of stairs, a small wrap around deck and some ceder beams that need to be done in my spare time as well. 

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